Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free sample - Three Men views about the Second Coming of Christ. translation missing
Three Men views about the Second Coming of Christ. Three Men views about the Second Coming of ChristAmong a great variety of topics, religion and Bible are, probably, one of the most interesting one. It has always evoked numerous discussions and debates. The debates were connected with the Bible and its studies. The most vital topics, obviously, are Christ Resurrection and the second coming of Christ. There are quite many points of view for this issue. The main reason of debates is that Bible and its concepts are always interrelated with the scientific points of view. There is great distance between the concepts imposed by science and those brought by religion. In many aspects, they contradict each other or differ in the answers given to historical questions that man has tried to answer from the beginning of history. That is why, the question of the second coming of Christ is always so debatable. The establishment of scientific debate about the notion of Christ, His first and second comings started in the middle ages when the western world were exposed to translations of Greco-Arabic texts of scientific nature. The medieval Western world rediscovered Greek philosophy and ancient theories about the universe and life that gave their beliefs a new direction. It was also in that middle age period that the great universities of Europe were established and the natural science began to develop significantly. With the development of Theology and Philosophy, new ways of thinking and interpreting the Bible started to appear. People did not just blindly believe the holly writings but they were interpreting them, trying to read between lines, to decipher the codes they were redacted in and this gave new meanings to those writings. New questions appeared about the world and its origins and the search for explanations about all matters became more vivid than ever since the ancient times. There was always immense contradiction between people and religion. This brings the question of whether religion is a friend or an enemy of people. As we know, there are many points of view concerning the concept of the second coming of Christ. Numerous writers, supporters and opponents of holy Bible actively discussed this notion, examining different viewpoints. The present paper deals with the three view about the second coming Christ. The problem concerning the second coming of Christ is very significant question for the Church to move to grips with in this hour of its destiny. In the case if the Church is keep on supposing that Jesus is able to return at any time for an unperfected Church, then it will carry on in its spirit of indifference instead of receiving a vision for the magnificent church without spot or crumple spoken of in the fifth chapter of Ephesians (.McArthur and Pink, 2006, p. 16). The second coming of Christ is always confronted with the notion of rapture. The notion concerning the rapture is a part of the doctrine of the renaissance of the dead, which is one of the initial stones of the Christian belief; consequently it is very significant that the accepting of this doctrine be established in minds and hearts of people It is required before people go on to maturity. The first opinion deals directly with the statement that the second coming of Christ is connected with the Millennium. As we know from the Bible, 2000 was announced as a year of the Millennium and the second coming was the so-called preview of this millennium. They supposed that Christ came back before thousand years exactly. They did not find anything miraculous in the fact of Christ coming. Some of the preterists consider the second coming of Christ see as the "coming of the Son of Man in magnificence and glory" mainly fulfilled in Christ's death on the cross. They believe the apocalyptic signs are already fulfilled and thought that the second coming is the beginning of the end. â€Å"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.†(Larkin, 2004, p. 24) One more point of view is the second coming is connected with the beginning of a new life on the Earth. They believed that Christ has appeared in order to set his supremacy on the Earth and teach people to live another life. They supposed Christ coming to be a new start of a life. Christ together with his apostles would be able to make the earth and life better and help to avoid millennium. Therefore, they considered His second coming as a key to salvation. The second coming of Christ is the blessed expectation of the church, the exciting climax of the gospel. Christ’s coming will be truthful, personal, visible, and universal. When Christ returns, the moral dead will be resurrected, and together with the virtuous living will be hyped and taken to heaven, the unrighteous will die. The almost absolute fulfillment of most lines of forecast with the present state of the world, demonstrates that Christ's coming is impending. The time of the event has not been exposed, and as a resu lt, people are encouraged to be always ready for this. Finally, according to the researches by Dake ( 2000, p. 23), protestants considered the second coming of Christ as the day when Jesus returns in order to judge the world and to set up the kingdom of God al over the world. They considered this day not as a salvation and deliverance from sins, sufferings and lie, but as the day of great justice, when everybody would be judged for his actions and punished. Therefore, according to this point of view, the second coming of Christ was the day of great judgment. They did not want to accept the way of living according to Christ and believed that it was only up to people to decide how to live and which laws to accept.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Mary Tyler Moore Show Feminism and Inspiration
Mary Tyler Moore Show Feminism and Inspiration The Mary Tyler Moore Show depicted a single career woman in Minneapolis who famously â€Å"made it on her own,†as described in the show’s opening theme song. The feminism of Mary Tyler Moore is seen both in specific moments as well as the overall premise and theme of an independent woman’s success. Fast Facts: Mary Tyler Moore Show Sitcom Title: The Mary Tyler Moore Show, aka Mary Tyler MooreYears Aired: 1970-1977Stars: Mary Tyler Moore, Ed Asner, Gavin MacLeod, Ted Knight, Valerie Harper, Cloris Leachman, Betty White, Georgia EngelFeminist Focus: A single woman in her 30s has a successful career and a fulfilling life. Starring Mary as...a Single Woman? One aspect of the feminism of Mary Tyler Moore is the central character. Mary Tyler Moore is Mary Richards, a single woman in her early 30s who moves to the big city and launches a television news career. It was a bold move for a sitcom’s main character to be a single woman, not just because of the many family oriented shows of the 1950s and 1960s, but because of the statement it made about a significant question of the Women’s Liberation Movement: why couldn’t a woman define her happiness and success by things other than husband and children? Single Woman Fictions The original premise of The Mary Tyler Moore Show called for Mary Richards to move to Minneapolis after a divorce. CBS executives resisted this idea. Mary Tyler Moore had starred in the well-regarded Dick Van Dyke Show during the 1960s as the wife of Dick Van Dyke’s character. There was concern that viewers would perceive Mary as having divorced Dick Van Dyke, because they were so popularly associated in the public’s mind, even though this was a new show with a new character in a new setting. This legendary story of The Mary Tyler Moore Show’s beginnings shows just how linked an actress could be to her male co-stars. However, the fact that Mary Richards was single and had never married worked out better for the show and may have made an even stronger feminist statement than if she were divorced. Taking Care of Herself The Mary Tyler Moore Show deals with Mary’s marriage or lack thereof in the first episode. In that debut, Mary Richards moves into her new apartment and begins her new job. She has recently ended a relationship with a man she helped financially support through medical school, only to then find him still not ready to get married. The ex visits her in Minneapolis, expecting her to fall happily back into his arms, even though he is revealed to be less than thoughtful by bringing her flowers swiped from a hospital patient. As he leaves her apartment after she tells him goodbye, he tells her to take care of herself. She answers, â€Å"I think I just did.† Friends, Co-Workers, and Assorted Guests From day one in her new home, Mary interacts with neighbors Rhoda and Phyllis. Rhoda, played by Valerie Harper, is another unmarried thirty-something who contributes sarcastic wit and an ongoing search for good dates and a husband. Phyllis, played by Cloris Leachman, is a quirky, self-righteous type, married and raising a strong-willed pre-teen daughter, with unconventional behaviors that touch on many 1960s social issues and political themes, including support of Women’s Liberation. One of The Mary Tyler Moore Show’s writers, Treva Silverman, pointed out that Rhoda’s character arc over the years mirrors the feminism of the Women’s Liberation Movement. She goes from being self-deprecating and insecure to more confident and successful. (Quoted in Women Who Run the Show by Mollie Gregory, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2002.) Both Rhoda and Phyllis became spinoffs from The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Other Glimpses of Feminism Over the years, the feminism of The Mary Tyler Moore Show was seen in episodes dealing with equal pay, divorce, â€Å"career vs. family,†sexuality and a woman’s reputation. The real strength of the show was that it realistically portrayed a variety of characters, including women, who were fully defined individuals apart from their encounters with topical issues of the 1970s. Part of what made Mary special was that she was normal: interacting with co-workers and friends, dating, encountering troubles in life, being likable and easygoing. In addition to the successful feminism of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, the program won a then-record number of Emmys and a Peabody Award. The Peabody summary said it â€Å"established the benchmark by which all situation comedies must be judged.†The Mary Tyler Moore Show contributed multiple iconic moments to television history, including Mary’s joyfully free hat toss in the opening credits, and it is remembered as one of the best sitcoms in television history.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reports on Penetration Testing on Operating Systems and Database Research Paper
Reports on Penetration Testing on Operating Systems and Database Security to Ensure Reliabilty and Integrity - Research Paper Example In the context of penetration testing on operating systems, it can be affirmed that the aspect i.e. penetration testing is often viewed as an elementary area of information systems based on security engineering (McDermott, 2001). In precise, the facet of penetration testing is often regarded as ‘pen testing’ or ‘security testing’ method which tends to assess the safety of a computer network or system by testing it from the viewpoint of an attacker i.e. a hacker or a cracker. This significant aspect i.e. penetration testing cannot be duly considered as an alternative to other security measures related to information technology (IT). Rather, it is regarded as the approach which significantly assures the security of a network or system in terms of protecting it from being attacked by an intruder (Brown Computer Science, 2010). Techniques of Penetration Testing on Operating Systems The different techniques of penetration testing on operating systems can be appar ently observed as gathering valuable information, scanning internet protocol (IP) addresses, performing fingerprinting, recognizing vulnerable services, exploiting vulnerability activities and finally fixing major problems. The prime intention of the technique i.e. gathering valuable information is to determine the diverse range of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses possessed by an organization. ... tice concerning the recognition of vulnerable service targets is performed to gain greater access to the operating systems along with ensuring that the operating systems are not harmed internally or externally. The technique linked with exploiting vulnerability activities enables to exploit certain detected vulnerabilities such as buffer and heal overflow, code injection, cross-site scripting and SQL injection among others. The prime intention of the technique related to fixing major problems is to recognize the active ports that run on the operating systems. The identification of these active ports might support to protect the operating systems through developing along with upgrading client/server architecture, conducting thorough or non-destructive tests and constructing vulnerability mapping among others (Brown Computer Science, 2010). Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be affirmed from a broader outlook that the aforesaid techniques would certainly facilitate to p rotect the operating networks or systems by a significant level. Significance of Penetration Testing on Operating Systems In this high-tech era, the importance of penetration testing especially within the periphery of operating systems has gained relevance by a considerable level. The procedure of conducting an effectual penetration test enables to confirm that new along with existing operating systems and networks are not susceptible to security risks that might permit unlawful access to exploit valuable resources. It can be observed over a few preceding years that the business corporations in this present era are adopting and executing modern technological tools such as advanced operating systems for the purpose of delivering quality and effective services to the consumers. The broader
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Kiki Smith research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Kiki Smith - Research Paper Example It is unfortunate, hence, to find that craft materials and craft techniques are traditionally for the most part forbidden in the world of art. They are dismissed as merely utilitarian objects and have no aesthetic significance. Famed American born contemporary feminist artist Kiki Smith, however, has rewritten the rulebook. Smith’s steady rise as a star in the contemporary art scene is marvelous if not entirely surprising. Her critical success was achieved while employing the use of unconventional craft-oriented materials. Through the use of these materials, she is able to successfully depict the intimate, physical, and psychological perspectives of the human body for her audience. This break from tradition in the use of craft materials is only an aspect of the deviations of Smith’s arts. ... Both of Smith parents are creative people. Her father, Tony Smith was an artist, the celebrated postwar abstract, minimalist sculptor and architect. Her mother, on the other hand, was an opera singer. Smith, hence, was exposed to a highly creative and artistic environment, considering the fact that both of her parents were artists. Particularly, she experienced steady exposure to the creative process from her father. His work has influenced the young Kiki in her artistic style. Tony Smith also maintained a vibrant household who played host to notable contemporary artists such as Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko, and other gifted artists at the time.3 As a child, Smith would help her father make cardboard three-dimensional representations of what would later be known by the world as his geometrical sculptures. In 1967, his works in this area landed him in the cover of Times magazine. Smith’s father would always try his best to encourage her interest in art. For example, he would se t up a box of cylinders and cones to practice her drawing skills. Another important aspect in Smith’s family that would leave an indelible mark on her as an artist is her religious upbringing. Her family was devoutly Catholic and she herself acknowledges her affinity with her religious denomination later in her adult life. Certainly, this variable would manifest in many of Smith’s artwork later on. In an interview with a magazine, she explained: Some people get free. Some people say that you don’t have to be, but I’m stuck with it. I’ve always been spiritual. That’s always been the most important part of my life, thinking about God or Gods.4 In her childhood, Smith already new that she was not interested in drawing what she saw but, rather, she was more interested in drawing
Sunday, November 17, 2019
My Future Goals and Why Essay Example for Free
My Future Goals and Why Essay My future goal is to obtain enough education for me acquire some of the skills I want to work with women and children that have been abused, either violently or sexually. One of my main reasons for enrolling In the Addiction Studies Program here at Peninsula College is because drugs and alcohol play a huge part in Domestic Violence and other forms of abuse among other things. I would like to open a unique center, where women and children could go for safety, and I would incorporate and introduce Art Therapy as one of the many tools one needs to heal in this life long process. see more:how to achieve my goals essay I strongly feel as a child, art helped me escape to a place that I needed to go to in troubled times. As an adult, just plain therapy was on the top of the list, as a different form of abuse crept into my life. To my amazement, art helped me escape to that same place I went to as a child in troubled times. I want to help others heal, and educate all so as to stop these painful cycles of abuse that many times can be foreseen or stopped, with just a little awareness and education, as in my own personal case. The education, Ive only just begun. Compared to what I’ll need to be an Art Therapist, Ill be going to college for the next 5 to 7 years. Personally, Im not sure I have it in me to go to school for that long. I’ve decided recently that Im not going to make my goals too high, so as not to set myself up for failure like I have done so many times in the past. I am almost done with the Addiction Studies program here at Peninsula College, and when finished, I will continue to take classes to finish my Associate of Arts degree. If I decide to pursue Art Therapy, I will seek a Bachelor’s and Masters degree at Antioch College in Seattle. The reality of it all is that Ill probably do an online program through Western College in Bellingham. I have also been considering going all of the way and get my CDP, because I’m interested in Trillium Treatment Center and what they offer. For now, I am all about just taking one day at a time and trying to get healthy again, I have suffered from depression, PSTD and anxiety most of my life, and it seems that the older I get, the harder it is to snap out of it. I am going to change my medication next week because the Cymbalta doesn’t seem to be working as well as it should. I am looking for work because I believe that it is good therapy and I need the extra financial help. I have not worked since 2009, due to surgery on both left and right hands. I have Carpal Tunnel still but not as bad as I did before, and I know that not working has contributed to the depression. I believe that staying enrolled in classes has kept me somewhat sane, although it has been a struggle at times. Currently I am in the process of filling out an application at Healthy Families. I think it would be a great place to get my foot in the door while working with the population that I want to work with. I also have the contact person at Trillium Treatment Center, so I need to find out what it will take to maybe get my foot in the door there. I feel that it would be important for me to pursue my CDP since I am so close to completing the Addiction Studies program, and completing this is detrimental to my current state of mind. In the past, I have always come so close to getting my degree, but for whatever reason, I never finish anything I start. One of the drawbacks I am currently experiencing is that I really need to get a job that pays something, even just a little. Another drawback is that I have something on my record that has previously just kept me from getting a job that I really wanted and felt that I was ready for. The bad thing is, is that there shouldn’t be anything on my record, but I took the charge just to get it over with. I have been way too trusting most of my life, and never would have thought that other people could be so devious in their actions. I have taken this as one in many life-long lessons that needs to be applied to my life. I know that I need to get out into the community more and network with more people, so I have signed up to volunteer for the Project Homeless Connect on March 30th. There will be a training session that I need to attend on March 27th or 28th, and I am very excited to be doing this, as I am kind of a homebody and don’t really go out much unless I have to. In order for me to make any kind of difference, not only in my life, but others, I need to commit to doing it. On that note, I need to take some bold steps in the direction that I want my life to move in. As I explore and develop some of my ideas about what I really value in my life, I can use these values as a sort of road map into my future. Each value that I have can be like a compass point by which I can chart the course of my life and start walking in that direction. This is basically a four-point process that constantly repeats itself through life: First point is to contract my alues, second is to develop my chosen goals that will help me move into a valued direction, third, is to take very specific actions that will allow me to achieve those goals, and fourth, I need to contact and work with my internal barriers to move towards action. To help me achieve this, I have taken the first action in obtaining and reaching my goals by Creating the Road Map: Setting Goals. In Chapter 12 of the ACT workbook, I had listed some of my values in order of importance, manifestation, and life-deviation scores. Now I will need to decide which of those values I want to work toward incorporating into my life right now. I know that ultimately I will work on all of these, but for now, I will choose only one. This will give me a good model in which to work from and follow for the other valued directions I will want to take. I am going for the middle-of-the-road in order of importance, because there are some barriers that I am not quite ready to take on, but I feel that if I can just get past a few, I can build up my mental strength and self-esteem. I read a quote in the workbook that I wrote down and posted in several places throughout my home. The quote says, â€Å"I just want to do this because that’s what I want my life to be about. It’s not really about any outcome. I want to be alive until I’m dead. †I guess I liked this because I do not feel like I am really living anymore. I do not do any of the things I used to do and I have become dependent upon one person, and that person is not me. In the past I have felt like the goals I set for myself was the true goal, but that really isn’t the case. I have chosen a short-term goal that is obtainable and will help me with some of my long-term goals also. I have already signed up to volunteer for the Project Homeless Connect on March 30th. I only need to go to one training session, and have a choice to do the one day training either on March 27th or 28th. For me, this is huge, this is something outside of my daily routine of school and home, but I have checked my goal for the following items: Is it practical? Is it obtainable? Does it work with my current situation? Does this goal lead me in the direction of my stated value? I answered yes to all of the above, so the only barrier I would face in not accomplishing this goal would be fear, sickness or pure laziness. I also believe that one of the problems that I suffer with is an issue with self-control. Avoidance and fusion feed this pattern of mine, which in essence, disrupt my life and make it nearly impossible to achieve any goals, whether they are short or long-term. I have decided that I need to make a commitment to myself and follow through with it. I need to break the old behavioral pattern that has doomed me ever since I can remember. I am tired of being a failure and giving up, tired of making a commitment, breaking that commitment, the quitting that commitment all together. I am going to work on setting my goals and following through for myself. I want to live my life, not just pass through it. I want to thank you for your commitment to us as students; I have to say that you are one of my favorite Instructors, although you are not easy, I appreciate that you make us try harder, and sometimes that is just what a person needs.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Impact of the Media on the Vietnam War Essay -- Vietnam War Essays
The Impact of the Media on the Vietnam War This essay will discuss to what degree the media can be blamed for the United States’ loss in the Vietnam conflict ending 1975. It will be based predominantly on key written resources on the subject, but it will also contain - by means of an interview - certain first-hand observations from a Vietnam War veteran. For the sake of conciseness, and in order to focus the bulk of the content on the main topic, this essay will make certain assumptions. Most importantly, the essay assumes that the conflict in Vietnam was, indeed, lost by the US. It also presupposes that ï ¿ ½ due to the political climate in the US ï ¿ ½ the war itself was unavoidable. Finally, the essay takes for granted that the reader has a basic knowledge of the reasons and major events behind the US military intervention in Vietnam from the mid-1950s until 1975. In the late 1960s, the low-intensity conflict in Indochina that had been in progress since the end of the Second World War became a full-scaled war. In order for the transition from low-intensity conflict to war to have taken place, a change in the public opinion surrounding the war must have taken place, resulting in the politicians of the time having support for the conflict. When the invasion was initiated, it was proved that the politicians in effect had the press in their pockets: the American press was not asking why there was a need for intervention, but rather how the logistics and economics of the invasion would fit together (Herman & Chomsky 1988). Escalation of conflict The US media did not become interested in the conflict until November 1960, when the US troops stationed in Saigon suffered a spectacular failure during a hunt for a small group of rebels: approximately 400 civilians were killed by American troops. With the conflict suddenly caught in the media spotlight, a small group of war correspondents were sent to Vietnam. The reporters were from the NYT, Herald Tribune, AP , UPI , Reuters and AFP . Stringers and / or reporters from Newsweek, Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph and the Observer soon followed. (Knightly 1975) Eventually ï ¿ ½ when the conflict escalated further ï ¿ ½ â€Å"Indochina was flooded with war correspondents†(Herman & Chomsky 1988, 193) Warfare can be conducted for many reasons. In the case of the Vietnam conflict, the conflic... ...; The media showed what happened, no more. And what was going on in Vietnam was not pretty, as with most other wars. It is safe to say that the media did not lose the war, but rather expressed the feeling that the US soldiers were dying by the thousands without a good reason. As Melnick quite profoundly summarises it: â€Å"Nobody wants to die for somebody else’s country, and that’s what it boiled down to†. Works cited: Albig, W (1939) Public Opinion New York: McGraw-Hill Cook, M et al. (2001) Tet Offensive http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=tet+offensive Herman, E.S. and Chomsky, N (1988) Manufacturing Consent: The political economy of the mass media New York: Pantheon Books Kennedy, W.V (1993) The Military and the Media: Why the Press Cannot Be Trusted to Cover a War. New York: Praeger Publishers Knightly, P (1975) The First Casualty London: Pan Books Lugo, J (8 Oct 2002) Lecture: Manufacturing consent and public opinion. Liverpool John Moores University Melnick, Mark (12 Oct 2002) Interview via e-mail: Media and Vietnam Schulzinger, R.D. (1998) A time for war: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975 New York: Oxford University Press
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Future of Indian Democracy Essay
For the use of the term â€Å"democracy†as referring to a system involving multiparty elections, representative government, and freedom of speech. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equallyâ€â€either directly or through elected representativesâ€â€in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. India is the largest democratic country in the world. All around the world, India’s democracy is taken as an example for the countries all over the world. But the real question is this type of democracy really beneficial for our country. Where is it taking our country in the near future? What is the future of Indian democracy? In India anybody can stand for elections and win to became member of legislative assembly of that area. Anybody can become prime minister, chief minister. But is this a good thing? Developed Countries like USA have highly educated people as their leaders. For a developing country like India where proper measures need to be taken for development, uneducated officials are useless for the development of the nation. The future of our country is in the dark as most of the ministers and leaders are less qualified or uneducated. Corruption is in the roots of our system. Most of the money sanctioned for development of the country such as roads, schools l, colleges, etc is consumed by oh our corrupt leaders. Most of the money we pay as taxes is eaten by our leaders. There is no strict measure for verifying or trying these leaders. The five year form of government is a curse for our country. All the ruling partiers enjoy the ruling power for the first four years and In the last year many rules are implemented to lure the voters and gain votes of the people. In thinking about Indian democracy and its future prospects, commentators have lavished far too much attention on â€Å"politics†in the narrowest conception of the term. There is much speculation, for example, on whether India might move towards a two-party system or some variation of it, with the Congress and the left parties constituting one bloc and the other bloc being constituted by BJP and its allies. But this kind of scenario has little room for parties such as the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the Samajwadi Party (SP), which together dominate politics in Uttar Pradesh, where efforts by the Congress to reinvent itself do not hold much promise of success. In the General Elections of 2004, the Left Front won 60 seats and came to hold the decisive swing vote. While so far the left has shown little inclination to revolt, and West Bengal is rapidly retooling itself to become attractive to the corporate world and foreign investors, the possibility of genuine and irreconcilable differences developing between the Congress and the Left Front should never be minimized. The wisdom and resilience of ordinary people has been exemplified not only at the ballot box, but in grassroots movements and cultural practices of syncretism. Secondly, the Constitution of India remains, despite attempts to subvert its emancipator provisions, a document and a vision that continues to hold out the promise of equality, justice, and opportunity. It has survived the wreckage of an authoritarian executive and will outlive the Supreme Court’s present disposition to allow massive land grabs in the name of progress and development. Thirdly, though Mohandas Gandhi’s assassins never seem to rest, the specter of Gandhi remains to haunt, guide, and inspire Indians who are resistant to everything that passes for â€Å"normal politics†and have not entirely succumbed to the oppressions of modernity. As I have elsewhere written, Gandhi took great risks and was not in the least cowed down by history, the sanctity of traditions, or scriptural authority. Some six decades ago, Indians entered into a tryst with destiny. Now is the time to gamble everything on the unique experiment that constitutes Indian democracy
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Changing Landscape of Health Care Essay
â€Å"We do not have a health care crisis in this country – we have a health crisis with a health care system incapable of dealing with it.†~ Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas â€Å"We have to move from illness to wellness. Businesses will have to invest in wellness. There is no choice. It’s not philanthropy. It’s enlightened self-interest.†~ Shrinivas M. Shanbhag, Medical Adviser, Reliance Industries, India â€Å"Our vision should be to have the healthiest people, not just the best health care, in the world. With prevention and wellness as the cornerstone of our health policy, we can be number one in both.†~ Newt Gingrich â€Å" Shifts taking place The healthcare industry is approaching an exciting model shift in patient engagement as we move away from being a mostly provider driven industry to a consumer driven one. Much like the financial, music, and publishing industries in the past, healthcare is becoming a mobile, consumer -driven industry. In this consumer driven model, patients drive healthcare industry spending and can receive and transmit health-related data in real-time. The main causes for this shift are the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and changing health insurance coverage. These changes have allowed for greater access to, and demand for, health information through smartphones and patient portals. The use of mobile medical devices and technology also empowers patients to take on and share responsibility for recording and transmitting their own health-related data. Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance exchanges now give patients the option to shop and compare plans in order to determine which has the best value for their individual needs. Being able to compare plans metrics such as premiums, copays, and direct payments side-by-side creates greater cost transparency than ever before in healthcare. These cost transparency and the ability to ultimately determine which coverage is right for them gives patients the power to become active healthcare consumers, rather than passive participants in the current system. As healthcare consumers, they expect to have the best quality of care and value the customer experience above all else. Under this new model, patients are empowered to closely monitor their healthcare spending and their own health, interact with the healthcare system outside the hospital walls, and employ the use of technology to improve their conditions. Current and potential challenges Americans have seen a raise in health care expenses during the 1980s, the results were extensive; managed care were assumed by employer-sponsored health plans. To a certain extent, managed care methodologies were implemented for some Medicaid and Medicare enrollees. During the 1990s, new Medicare reimbursement policies and the well-known acceptance of managed care plans had noticeably reduced the growth rate of health care expensive. All available studies show that Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and other managed care plans have provided health care of equal or better medical quality to out-of-date covered insurance plans at a lower cost. While the country’s economy grow stronger during the late 1990s, anxieties about overall health care costs diminished, â€Å"and the public became less willing to accept restrictions on the enrollee’s choice of physician and the physician’s treatment choices†(Luke, 2001). Health care recipient’s outlook à ¢â‚¬Å"turned against the concept of managed care as a result of backlash from both physicians and consumers.†(Luke, 2001) How health care is handling challenges. Many of the challenges Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) face in the current environment are well understood and widely recognized even if the solutions are not. Faster provider consolidation, both horizontally and vertically, over the past several years is reshaping the competitive landscape. Community-based providers are gaining the size and strength to drive market dynamics and negotiate on equal or better footing with payers. Competitors are also gaining new competencies, keeping and caring for more patients themselves. This has begun to impact AMCs’ referral streams and their ability to maintain market share. There are already a growing number of markets across the country where AMCs are experiencing flat-to-declining inpatient volume growth and losing their dominant market position to large, evolving systems. Government and commercial payers are aggressively advancing value-based payment methodologies and steering patients to lower cost providers. AMCs which tend to have higher costs-to-serve than their community-based counterparts will face difficulty competing for services others also provide at acceptable levels. AMCs looki ng to thrive in this environment need to find ways to coordinate with other types of providers across the continuum to reorient the site of care to more cost effective settings and control quality, variation and outcomes. AMCs also need partners along the continuum to position themselves as primary contracting entities under population health or risk becoming â€Å"commodity†providers in their markets. AMCs must contend with unprecedented financial pressures as healthcare reform rolls out over the next several years. Conclusion Today, health care costs are on the rise. The US spends considerably more on each person for health care than are other developed countries, there are no obvious progress in the healthcare outcomes. Assessments show that in the next 30 years, health care costs will again rise at a rate faster than that of the economy. The impact of an aging population will further reflect the rising cost of health care, by the year 2030, more than 20 percent of individuals 65 years or older. At that time we will be headed for another crisis. â€Å"However, the environment has changed: As a result of the experience of the last 10 years, the public is now less willing to accept changes to the health care system, and the concept of managed care has negative connotations. Consequently, the crisis may potentially be even worse than that we experienced a decade ago if we are unable to find ways to control health care expenditures†.(Luke, 2001) References Khan, F. (2014). The Shift to Consumer Driven Healthcare. The future of patient engagement. Retrieved from: http://healthcare-executive-insight.advanceweb.com Luke, R. T. (2001). Health care in the United States: current and future challenges. Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11729444 Peterson, H. (2014). Becker’s Hospital Review. Challenging Healthcare Landscape Fertile Ground for Academic Medical Centers. Retrieved from: http://www.beckershospital review.com/strategic-planning
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Deprecate vs. Depreciate
Deprecate vs. Depreciate Deprecate vs. Depreciate Deprecate vs. Depreciate By Sharon Only one letter separates these two words, but theres considerable difference in meaning. The word deprecate means to express disapproval of something. A synonym for deprecate in this context is to deplore. Example: He deprecated his sisters actions. This means that he did not approve of his sisters actions. The word depreciate means to belittle or play down. Example: He depreciated his sisters achievements. This means that he behaved as if his sisters achievements were insignificant. Depreciate also means to decrease in value. If youve ever owned a car, then youll know that every year it is worth less than the previous year. In other words, it has depreciated. The noun is depreciation, which is very common business and financial term. Quotations from the press: For most used-car buyers it would be a dream come true: Your car actually gains in value, instead of depreciating. When Kelley Blue Book looked at depreciation of used cars from May 24 to the same day last year, it found 23 examples of used cars that had gained in value during that time. (USA Today) It is easy enough to deprecate Mahlers Third. It is inordinately longclose to two hours. It repeats ideas endlessly; much of the music could easily be exchanged with that of other Mahler symphonies; the idiom is pure Mahler with little variation from previous compositions; long stretches are unrelievedly banal. LA Times Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire You7 Tips for Writing a Film Review50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villainâ€
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8+ Free Old Official SAT Practice Tests
8+ Free Old Official SAT Practice Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In March2016, the SAT underwent a completeredesign, concentrating more on testing reasoning skills than on obscure vocabulary knowledge. So how do you study for theSAT now thatthere just aren't that many practice tests available? After all, there’s nothing quite like taking actual official SAT tests to get you ready for the real thing. The good news is that many of the questions that appeared on the old SAT format are still completely relevant and a great resource for practicing your skills! In this article, I'll tell you all about which old-format questions to seek out and which to skip. Then I'll give you a huge list of the best places to find free official SAT tests to use for studying. Feature Image:Ed Schipul/Wikipedia What’s the Difference Between the â€Å"Old†and New SAT? Big-Picture Changes The SAT no longer tests your knowledge and skills in isolation. Instead, the College Board has madecontext and reasoning matter much more for questions. For example, instead of testing whether you know a grammar rule by giving you several unrelated sentences, multiple grammar questions now come from a single passage. Also, there areno â€Å"trick†questions - in other words, questionswith purposefully confusing wording meant totrip you up even if you did actually know the skill being tested. To see a detailed explanation of all the changes, check out our extensive guide to the new SAT. Small-Scale Changes On a more granular level, although each SAT section has been redesigned, different sections have been changedin different degrees.This is great news!For many new SAT sections, old SAT question are still a relevant and useful study resource. In the restof the article, I will go through each section and explain which old SAT questions you can use to study. But first, I have some general advice about how to get the most benefit out of the old SAT as you prepare for your SAT exam. It's the small things that make up the big things. Like the yellow flowers in that bouquet. (E.mil.mil/Wikipedia) Can You Really Use the Old SAT to Study for the CurrentOne? However you end up studying for the SAT (check out our guide to finding the best testing strategy for you), you will certainly use these two techniques: boosting weak skills by practicing many questions that test those skills simulating testing conditions by taking a full SAT test in one sitting Because the format and timing of the old test arefairly different, it can't really help you with test-day conditioning – use the currentSAT tests for that. But since many of the questions and question types remain the same, the old tests are excellent for honing individual skills. As much as possible, you should use official SAT tests from the College Board rather than those written by other companies. Because they have gone through the same writing and editing process as the questions you'll encounter on the actual test, these old tests come closest to reproducing what you will encounter on test day. Also, because they have been officially released by the College Board, there is no question about their quality. On the other hand, it's not always clear whether another company can sufficiently mimic the College Board's approach, style, or wording. By sticking with the official tests, you don’t have to worry about evaluating third-party work. Finally, please note: the SAT underwent a big redesign in 2005 as well. So when talking about the old tests below, I will say "pre-2005" and "post-2005" todifferentiate between the two old versions of the SAT. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Which Sections of Old SATs Should I Use to Study? Here’s a breakdown of all of the SAT sections, in order from least to greatest difference between the old and currenttests, as well as explanations abouthow you can effectively use older tests to study. Math Section The math section is the most unchanged. There is less geometry on the current SAT than on the old ones, and some basic trigonometry has been added. Also, there's now a no-calculator section. Current SATQuestion Types: a small number of trigonometry questions more questions about interpreting graphs and charts multiple-step questions based on a real-world scenario Old Questions to Study: Almost all math problems from old tests.There's no need to pick and choose very much, so feel free to study almost allmath questions you come across. Old Questions to Skip Entirely: Comparisons (pre-2005 tests).These are questions that ask you to compare the value of two boxes: Logic puzzles (all old tests).These are questions not directly based on math you learned in school. If you can confidently identify these types of questions, skip them because they donot appear on the currenttest. For example: After public resistance, the controversial new "do a long jump while computing the distance of your long jump" task has been tabled for now. Writing and Language Section The old Reading and Writing sections are now onesection called "Writing and Language." It still has questions about reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. But all questions arepassage-based and rely on your ability to determine meaning from context. Current SAT Question Types: all reading questions are based on passages grammar and writing logic questions are also all passage-based some questions require interpreting data (in graph or chart form) Old Questions to Study: Passage-Based Reading (all old tests).The current-test version of these isnot exactly the same, but theyare still great practice for learning to quickly find the meaning and argument structure of a given passage. Improving Paragraphs (post-2005 tests). These ask you to read a passage and then edit its grammar and logic: Old Questions to Use to Brush Up on Key Concepts: The old isolated-sentence grammar and syntax questions are nowless helpful, but you can still use them to refresh your understanding of proper usage, grammar, and punctuation. Just don't use them as real test practice. Sentence Errors (post-2005 tests). These ask you to identify a grammar or punctuation mistake in an isolated sentence: Improving Sentences (post-2005 tests). These ask you to edit isolated sentences: Old Questions to Skip Entirely: Analogies (pre-2005 tests). These ask you to compare the relationships of paired words: Sentence Completions (post-2005 tests). These ask you to find the best words to fill blanks in sentences: Feel free to also skip any questions from the pre-1369 A.D. version of the SAT. The Essay Section The current essay is 50 minutes long, andit ismuch closer to the kind of analytical writing you've been doing in high school all along. The essay gives you a passage and thenasks you to write abouthow theauthor builds theargument.This is one place where the old tests simply will not help. Instead, you should brush up on your understanding of rhetorical devices, structure, and the uses of evidence. The study of rhetoric apparently involves both a book, an enormous fighting staff, and maybe... a feather on your head? You've been warned. Free Old Tests From the College Board Post-2005 Tests: SAT Practice Test (2013-2014)Test | Answers SAT Practice Test (2012-2013)Test | Answers SAT Practice Test (2007-2008)Test | Answers SAT Practice Test (2005)Test | Answers Pre-2005 Tests: SAT Practice Test (2004)Download | Answers SAT Practice Test (2003-2004)Download | Answers SAT Practice Test (May 2002)Download SAT Practice Test (October 2001)Download Other Potential Sources of Old SAT Tests The bookThe Official SAT Study Guide, Second Edition, which features 10 more official SAT tests from the College Board. The book is not free (it's currently $45 new on Amazon, though you can get it for much cheaper used). On the other hand, the internet is a vast and wondrous place, and you may be able to find slightly less authorized but nevertheless completely official old SAT tests if you poke around a little. Try searching for "free old SAT tests" and looking past the first couple of pages of Google results to the less commercial corners of the web. "Which corner isleast commercial?" asked the fly. "Try the middle," replied the spider. Conclusion Old SAT tests still have an important role to play as you study for the SAT. To simulate test-day conditions, definitelyuse currentofficial tests. Butold tests are perfect for extra practice with realistic reading passages and math questions. What’s Next? Wondering how best to study for the SAT? Download our dedicated guide to figuring out which SAT prep method is best for you. Worried that the SAT is not the right test for you altogether? Let us help you decide between the SAT and ACT by explaining which students should take which test. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Unit 6 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Unit 6 assignment - Essay Example It is actually claimed, â€Å"Medicare fraud costs the U.S. government approximately $80 billion a year (Stefanacci, 2010). The first problem will require the researcher to evaluate the extent of Medicare fraud in the country. Secondly, the researcher will be interested in establishing the reasons or factors that lead to Medicare fraud. Patterns of fraud cases across different population settings will also be interesting aspect of the research. The purpose of the study is to interpret historical data relating to Medicare fraud in relation to the current situation. The researchers will also be interested in identifying patterns that relate to Medicare fraud. The research design will also analyze relevant case studies in order to establish their relationship with the current problem. 3. The criminal investigation department has ruled that Medicare fraud is a form of crime. What are the views of the people concerning the criminalization of Medicare fraud? (a) Do people consider Medicare fraud as a criminal activity? (b) Do people blame the authority for their misfortunes? The study will be conducted through qualitative research techniques whereby the researchers will be required to compare historical data with current trends in Medicare fraud. The choice of research method was inspired by the nature of the problem and availability of resources. Although the audience or the consumers of the research are interested in explicit relationships between different research problems, not all problems can be solved through explicit relationships (Creswell, 2008). The study will involve observing the problem and finding relevant literature that correspond to the research problem. From a perfectionist point of view, healthcare industry needs a near-perfect system of tracking Medicare fraud for there to be meaningful results. Fraud in healthcare industry affects all taxpayers (Michael,
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