Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why Do You Go An Online Business Essay - 1294 Words
Some hear about startups being bought for millions by big companies, and hatch plans to start their own internet business. Others nurture online business ideas that they think will shake the web for long-time before taking the leap of entrepreneurship. While there is nothing bad in dreaming big, it is important to keep the realities of starting and running an online business in mind. When it comes to starting a web business, there are hundreds of details to be mastered but let’s just focus on 11Cs under the most critical phases of starting an e-venture. And it only makes sense to begin where it really begins. Initial research and planning ‘Little can be accomplished without planning’. The statement holds true for almost everything challenging in life. Whether you want to start an online store or something completely unique, you need a blueprint, a roadmap or whatever you want to call it. And in order to do that, you need: Clarity of ideas 1) Clarity – The process of planning cannot begin unless you are crystal clear about your needs. Want to blog for a living? Answer these questions first: What kind of blog I’m capable of running? What is the competition out there? Are there unanswered questions that my blog can address? Answering such questions will help you learn if you are ready to start and run an online business or need to busy yourself with groundwork. 2) Courage – Every idea is brilliant while it exists in your head. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Clifford s Transformation Is Merely Mammon Of...
ENG220 Essay 2 Zhaohui Guo 11/01/15 The Clifford’s transformation is merely â€Å"Mammon of mechanized greed†In Lady Chatterley’s lover, one of interesting topics is how to evaluate the transformations of protagonists including Clifford and Connie. Is the transformation of Clifford merely personal change of interesting from writing to business engagement? And should this change be acclaimed since it is chase of freedom in some perspective? Or the transformation essentially reflects â€Å"the Mammon of mechanized greed†? I personally believe that Lawrence criticizes the industrialization as dehumanizing force in this novel via all the symbolic characters and plots including the transformation of Clifford. Without careful scrutiny, it is easy to†¦show more content†¦This fact could be demonstrated by his attitude towards nature. Actually in this novel, Lawrence depicts the nature, as contrast to industrial society, to be a place full of warmth, light and life and a place where man will revere and delight. The real metonymy for Nature in this novel is the wood. Lawrence expresses his eulogy and praise for the wood without any hide. â€Å"How still everything was! The fine rain blew very softly, filmily, but the wind made no noise. Nothing made any sound. The trees stood like powerful beings, dim, twilit, silent and alive. How alive everything was!†(P.129). However, Clifford shows little interest of beauty of the woods. It is understandable that his paralysis from war has disaffected him from flesh and blood of life and the hell of his â€Å"half-life†has made him insensitive to all the vitality from the wood. Yet the internal force of his indifference with life-f orce is his greed for fame and financial success. He deems the natural property including the woods merely the evidence of his upper class. Therefore, it is clear that real driving force for his feeling of being a man again is his mechanized greed. Thus, the change of interest from writing to business and his confidence rebuilding is substantially the side-product of his financial greed. Furthermore, his attitude toward his colliers reveals that the
Monday, December 9, 2019
Auditing Assurance Services organization †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Auditing And Assurance Services Organization? Answer: Introduction As per the case study the opinion of the audit or a work of an auditor was explained to Jason. The auditor is a person who is appointed by the organization and who gives an independent opinion about the companys financial structure. The auditor checks whether the financial standards and reporting of all the standards are given by the company. The auditor helps in the getting a true fair and independent view of the financials of the company. It conforms that the financial position, the cost sheet and the operation of the company are in conformity with the various principles and standards of accounting. Understanding Audit An audit is the understanding of the examination of the all the financials of the company. The report of the auditor is shown in the annual report and signed by the auditor. The financial report includes the balance sheet, the cash flows and changes in the equity position and the income statement and the profit and loss .The purpose and the reasons for doing audit is to form a view whether the information presented in the report will reflect the financial position of the organization or the company (Arens et al., 2016). The auditor examines the financial report and what the auditor must follow and the auditing standards set by the Government institute. Once the auditor completed the work they will provide the report explaining the opinion drawn from the work. Understanding Auditor Auditors are the person appointed to discuss the scope of the audit work with the organization, the board and the directors may request for additional procedures to be followed. Auditors maintain an independent form of work and thereby they form a judgement which is independent, true and fair picture. Auditors will determine the auditing procedures the task they will perform depending on the procedures that they will perform. The extent of the audit procedures and the risks identified. The procedures are written as well as the oral question which is asked by the auditor to the company, and the auditor examines financial and accounting records (Arens, Elder Beasley,2014). Concept and how reasonable assurance is formed The auditor engages himself to render the opinion on whether the companys financial statements are well and fairly represented in accordance with the materials and the financial statements and reporting is done properly. The audit is something which help the public and the stakeholders of the company to come to know about the true picture of the organization, thereby the lenders and investors have the confidence in the financial statements of the organization (Cohen, J. R. Simnett, 2014). Auditor is not able to give absolute assurance In order to form an opinion, the auditor gather various inside information which is appropriate and observes until gaining reasonable assurance. The auditor will then form opinion as to the see whether the financial statements are free from any error or falsification or material misstatement which causes fraud and thereby creating error free task. The important auditing principles are as follows: Inquiring about the management that will help in gaining an understanding of the organization and its functions and financial reporting and the errors occurred Evaluating the financials and the internal control system Performing analytical process and the variance for account balances of the transactions Confirming about accounts receivable with the accounts with the third party At the end of audit, the auditor will give advice for improving financial reporting so as to maximize the performance (Knechel et al.,2016). Concept of Professional Scepticism Professional Scepticism means a questioning mind which is an attitude of being alert so that the possible misstatement due to error and fraud evidences given by the auditor. The auditor is someone who is sceptical in recent times and the work of the auditor is to find error and also provide the evidences by the auditor. The auditors skill is set by: The exercise for professional judgement and audit quality Enhancing the effectiveness of audit procedure Reducing the possibility of error Selecting appropriate audit procedures (Louwers et al., 2015). Misinterpret audit results Overlooking unusual circumstances The managers always try to give a deceptive picture and the financial information about the company and thereby the figure might not be correct therefore the auditor gives a independent view of the organisation and therefore makes the review of the organisation so as to depict a correct and true picture of the organization (William Jr et al., 2016). References Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. S., Hogan, C. E. (2016). Auditing and assurance services. Pearson. Arens, A., Elder, R., Beasley, M. (2014). Auditing and assurance services-An integrated approach; includes coverage of international standards and global auditing issues, in addition to coverage of. Boston: Aufl. Cohen, J. R., Simnett, R. (2014). CSR and assurance services: A research agenda. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory, 34(1), 59-74. Knechel, W. R., Salterio, S. E. (2016). Auditing: Assurance and risk. Taylor Francis. Louwers, T. J., Ramsay, R. J., Sinason, D. H., Strawser, J. R., Thibodeau, J. C. (2015). Auditing assurance services. McGraw-Hill Education. William Jr, M., Glover, S., Prawitt, D. (2016). Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Physical Aging Ectocranial Suture Closure
Introduction Forensic science revolutionized crime investigation strategies (White Folkens, 2005). There is no need to elaborate on its importance because it is a well-known fact that innocent people are convicted while guilty criminals are acquitted if forensic anthropologists fail to provide accurate analysis of the evidence collected by law enforcement agencies (Katzenberg Saunders, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Physical Aging: Ectocranial Suture Closure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One essential aspect of forensic science is the ability to determine the age of the skeletal remains at the time of death (Lieberman, 2011). The technique is called the ectocranial suture closure method. Traditional adult skeletal aging methods focused on four main regions of the human body: 1) the pubic symphysis; 2) auricular surface; 3) sternal rib ends; 4) cranial sutures (Cox Mays, 2000, p. 70). However, the f ocus of this presentation is on ectocranial suture closure. Cranial suture closure is a technique discovered in the 16th century. However, it was considered as an unreliable adult skeletal aging method. However, anthropologists Meindl and Lovejoy re-evaluated the whole process and came up with a revised method called the ectocranial suture closure method. Methodology This particular technique calls for the examination of the state of closure of the sutures of the skull at defined points on the cranium (Meindl Lovejoy, 1985). There are two major steps in the application of Meindl and Lovejoy’s revised endocranial suture closure method. In the first step, the anthropologist uses a complete skull and takes data measurements from a specific suture observation site called the Ectocranial Vault sutures. In the second step, the anthropologist takes data measurement from another suture observation site called the Ectocranial Lateral-Anterior sutures. These two steps comprise the ect ocranial suture closure method. After the establishment of the specific suture observation sites, the anthropologist will gather data using the revised method developed by Meindl and Lovejoy.Advertising Looking for report on aging? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The ten specific sites are listed as follows: 1) Mid-lambdoid; 2) Lambda; 3) Obelion; 4) Anterior sagittal;5) Bregma; 6) Mid-coronal; 7) Pterion; 8) Sphenofrontal; 9) Inferior Sphenofrontal; and 10) Superior Sphenofrontal (DiGangi Moore, 2012, p.78). These ten sites were divided into the â€Å"vault system†and the â€Å"lateral-anterior system†(Steele Bramblett, 1988, p.57). It is imperative that the anthropologist accurately identifies the specific location of the sutures in accordance to the framework developed by Meindl and Lovejoy. The following information can assist the anthropologist in determining the actual suture locations (see Table 1). Points of the Skull Definition of Terms Mid-lambdoid Midpoint of each half of the lamboid suture Lambda At lambda in pars lambdica of sagittal and pars lambdica of lamboid sutures Obelion At obelion in parts obelica of the sagittal suture Anterior sagittal Point on the sagittal suture at the juncture of the anterior one third and posterior two-thirds of its length (usually near the juncture of the pars bregmatica and pars verticis of the sagittal suture Bregma At bregma in pars bregmatica of the coronal and pars bregmatica of the sagittal sutures Mid-coronal Midpoint of each half of the coronal suture in parts complicate of the coronal suture Pterion At pterion, the region of the upper portion of the greater wing of the sphenoid, usually the point at which the parietosphenoid suture meets the frontal bone Sphenofrontal Midpoint of the sphenofrontal suture Inferior Sphenofrontal Point of the sphenotemporal suture lying at its intersection with a line connecting bot h articular tubercles of the temporomandibular joint Superior Sphenofrontal Point on the sphenotemporal suture lying 2 cm below its juncture with the parietal bone Table 1. Definitions of suture observation sites. After the specific locations were identified, the anthropologist uses a four-point scoring system. The scoring system uses the following criteria: 0 = no observable closure; 1 = minimal closure; 2 = significant closure; and 3 = complete obliteration (DiGangi Moore, 2012, p.78). After observing the ten specific sites, the anthropologist will use a table of composite scores and a mean age and standard deviation for each score (DiGangi Moore, 2012, p.79). The anthropologist compares the values generated and uses the table to determine the estimated age of the skeleton. Research Findings The ectocranial suture closure technique should become one of the major age determination techniques made available to anthropologists. The technique is based on a reliable framework. I t is advantageous to use this particular technique especially when it comes to determining the age group. Moreover, this technique provides the capability to determine the age of the skeleton if other techniques are non-available. At the same time this technique can be used to validate age estimated generated by other techniques.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Physical Aging: Ectocranial Suture Closure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ectocranial suture closure can help provide an age estimate of the skeletal remains. But scientists are unable to provide a clear explanation when it comes to the correlation of suture closure and age. Another major disadvantage of this technique is the broad age intervals. The broad range intervals can be a problem when it comes to forensics. Forensic anthropologists are faced with the challenge to provide accurate estimates of age while taking into consideration human varia tion in the aging process (Dirkmaat, 2012 p. 203). According to one commentary, â€Å"the narrower, or more precise the age estimate given, the more helpful it can be to law enforcement when eliminating possible identities†(Dirkmaat, 2012 p.203). Critics are quick to point out that this particular technique is an unreliable skeletal aging method (Meindl Lovejoy, 1985 p. 57). Detractors rejected cranial suture closure and remarked that it cannot be trusted (Meindl Lovejoy, 1985, p. 57). Nevertheless, after an in-depth study on different techniques, it was discovered that â€Å"no single skeletal indicator of age at death is ever likely to accurately reflect the many factors which accumulate with chronological age, each of which contribute valuable information to the age estimate†(Meindl Lovejoy, 1985, p. 65). It o therefore important to useIt is therefore imperative to reconsider the value of the ectocranial suture closure as an alternative tool in the determinatio n of the age of the skeleton at the time of death. Conclusion The ectocranial suture closure technique is not reliable when it comes to precise age estimates. Anthropologists said that there are broad age intervals. At the same time they cannot provide a clear explanation with regards to the correlation between suture closure and age of the skeleton. But this technique is useful when it comes to the determination of age groups, whether the skeleton belongs to a child or an adult. Furthermore, this technique is useful when it comes to the validation of age estimates provided by other skeletal age determination techniques.Advertising Looking for report on aging? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Cox, M Mays, S 2000, Human osteology: in archaeology and forensic science, Oxford University Press, UK. DiGangi, E Moore, M 2012, Research methods in human skeletal biology, Academic Press, UK. Dirkmaat, D 2012, A companion to forensic anthropology, Blackwell Publishing, UK. Katzenberg, M Saunders, S 2008, Biological anthropology of the human skeleton, John Wiley Sons, New Jersey. Lieberman, D 2011, The evolution of the human head, Harvard University Press, MA. Meindl, R Lovejoy, O1985, ‘Ectocranial suture closure: a revised method for the determination of skeletal age at death based on the lateral-anterior sutures’, The American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 68 no.1, pp. 57-66. Steele, D C Bramblett, 1988, The anatomy and biology of the human skeleton, Texas A M University Press, TX. White, T Folkens, P, 2005, The human bone manual, Elsevier Academic Press, UK. This report on Physical Aging: Ectocranial Suture Closure was written and submitted by user Ed1s0n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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